We understand that plans can change, and you might need to cancel an order. To make this process simple, we’ve introduced a new feature that allows you to cancel your order within 2 hours of payment. After this timeframe, cancellations are no longer possible. Here’s everything you need to know about canceling an order.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Access Your Recent Orders
- Navigate to Account and click on the Orders tab.
Select the Order You Want to Cancel
- Find the order you’d like to cancel and click on it.
Cancel the Order
- If your order is eligible for cancellation (within 2 hours of payment), you’ll see a Cancel button. Click it to confirm the cancellation.
Additional Information
- After the 2-Hour Window: Once the 2-hour timeframe has passed, the order enters the processing stage, and cancellations will no longer be accepted.
- Refunds for Canceled Orders: If you cancel successfully, a refund will be issued to your original payment method or to your Tapstitch account wallet, depending on your preference.
Need More Help?
If you’re unable to cancel your order or have questions, our support team is here to assist! Contact us for help.
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